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Mediacaching -- Location- and Media-based Hide-And-Seek Game

Mediacaching is the interactive and media enriched Geocaching application taking Geocaching to its next level towards a networked media application. The advancements are manifold. Mediacaching brings together several mobile and home users and let them collaborate. Mediacaching is a paperless mobile game where the Mediacachers, the participants playing Mediacaching, are integrated as active A/V content producers (e.g. to log their findings with photos, audios or videos) and as active A/V content consumers (e.g. to find a hint to the next cache). Mediacaching can be played with off-the-shelf mobiles and next-generation mobiles.
Based on the idea of Geocaching, the Geocaching experience is advanced by the creation of new cache types which are capable of providing location-based information enriched with media content, such as audio, video, 3D, etc.

Mediacaching provides two linked applications:

  • The Mediacaching webserver application, where new Mediacaches can be generated, existing Mediacache details can be downloaded and further help and information is available. The webserver includes a Database Management System which manages all the user-generated data.
  • The mobile Mediacaching application provides downloaded cache information on the mobile devices and makes Mediacaches directly playable on the mobile device, including media playback without extra paper needed for description.

The Project

The EU Project CITIZEN MEDIA enables non-professional users to co-create networked applications and experiences based on their own user-generated content. The project consortium evolves novel concepts that have the potential to change the role of the passive A/V consumer ("couch potato") into an active contributor able to produce, publish and consume media content.

The main goal is to find out how to exploit the huge amount of user-generated content in innovative ways to support people in their daily lives. The second focal point is how technology will enable social change to strongly involve users in co-creating networked applications.

The innovation originates from multiple applications supporting a common experience based on user-generated media from the citizens.
The technological challenges lie in removing the barriers for non-professional users to handle content and in building an end-to-end open reference architecture.

As a development and research partner we contribute to the following topics:

  • Innovative Testbed Applications
  • Cologne Testbed Support
  • Visualization, Rendering, and Interaction Components
  • Mixed, Virtual, and Augmented Reality
  • Collaboration in Nomadic Usage
  • Georeferencing Tools
  • Testbed Support in Cologne
  • Webservices

EU Contract Number IST-41-038312; 01.09.2006 - 31.05.2009

Further information