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  • S. Zellmann (2021),
    "Remote Volume Rendering with a Decoupled, Ray-Traced Display Phase".
    accepted at: Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics (STAG 2021).
  • A. Sahistan, S. Demirci, N. Morrical, S. Zellmann, A. Aman, I. Wald, U. Güdükbay (2021),
    "Ray-traced Shell Traversal of Tetrahedral Meshes for Direct Volume Visualization".
    accepted at: IEEE Visualization Short Papers (VIS 2021).
  • I. Wald, N. Morrical, S. Zellmann (2021),
    "A Memory Efficient Encoding for Ray Tracing Large Unstructured Data".
    accepted at: IEEE Visualization (VIS 2021).
  • I. Wald, S. Zellmann, N. Morrical (2021),
    "RTX-Accelerated Empty Space Skipping using Triangulated Active Region Boundary Geometry".
    Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV 2021).
  • N. Morrical, S. Zellmann (2021),
    "Inverse Transform Sampling using Ray Tracing Hardware".
    accepted for publication in: Ray Tracing Gems II (book, Aug. 2021).


  • I. Wald, S. Zellmann, W. Usher, N. Morrical, U. Lang, V. Pascucci (2020),
    "Ray Tracing Structured AMR Data Using ExaBricks".
    accepted at: IEEE Visualization (VIS 2020).
    Link PDF
  • S. Zellmann, M. Weier, I. Wald (2020),
    "Accelerating Force-Directed Graph Drawing with RT Cores".
    accepted at: IEEE Visualization (VIS 2020).
    Link PDF
  • I. Wald, N. Morrical, S. Zellmann, L. Ma, W. Usher, T. Huang, V. Pascucci (2020),
    "Using Hardware Ray Transforms to Accelerate Ray/Primitive Intersections for Long, Thin Primitive Types".
    High Performance Graphics (HGP 2020).
    Details Link PDF
  • S. Zellmann, N. Morrical, I. Wald, V. Pascucci (2020),
    "Finding Efficient Spatial Distributions for Massively Instanced 3-d Models".
    Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV 2020).
    Details Link PDF Bibtex
  • S. Zellmann, M. Aumüller, N. Marshak, I. Wald (2020),
    "High-Quality Rendering of Glyphs Using Hardware-Accelerated Ray Tracing".
    Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV 2020).
    Details Link PDF Bibtex



  • S. Zellmann, D. Meurer, U. Lang (2019),
    "Hybrid Grids for Sparse Volume Rendering".
    IEEE Visualization, Vancouver, Canada, October 20-25, 2019.
    Details Link PDF
  • S. Zellmann, J.P. Schulze, U. Lang (2019),
    "Binned k-d Tree Construction for Sparse Volume Data on Multi-Core and GPU Systems".
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Early Access.
  • S. Zellmann, M. Hellmann, U. Lang (2019),
    "A Linear Time BVH Construction Algorithm for Sparse Volumes".
    IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2019), Bangkok, Thailand, April 23-26, 2019.
    Details Link PDF


  • S. Zellmann, J.P. Schulze, U. Lang (2018),
    "Rapid k-d Tree Construction for Sparse Volume Data".
    Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV 2018), Brno, Czech Republic, June 4, 2018.
    Details Link Bibtex Slides


  • S. Zellmann, U. Lang (2017),
    "C++ Compile Time Polymorphism for Ray Tracing".
    Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on Vision, Modelling and Visualization (VMV 2017), Bonn, Germany, September 25-27, 2017.
    Details Link PDF Bibtex

  • S. Zellmann, D. Wickeroth, U. Lang (2017),
    "Visionaray: A Cross-Platform Ray Tracing Template Library".
    Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems (IEEE SEARIS 2017), Los Angeles, California, USA, March 19, 2017.
    Details PDF Slides Video

  • S. Zellmann, M. Hoevels, U. Lang (2017),
    "Ray traced volume clipping using multi-hit BVH traversal".
    Proceedings of Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA), Burlingame, California, USA, January 29-February 2, 2017. DOI: 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2017.1.VDA-392
    Details Link PDF Bibtex Slides


  • S. Zellmann, Y. Percan, U. Lang (2015),
    "Advanced texture filtering: a versatile framework for reconstructing multi-dimensional image data on heterogeneous architectures".
    Proceedings of Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA), San Francisco, California, USA, February 8-12, 2015.
    Link Bibtex


  • Y. Percan, S. Zellmann, U. Lang (2014),
    "Asymptotic error of cubic B-spline interpolation using prefiltering".
    Springer Numerical Algorithms. DOI: 10.1007/s11075-014-9941-x
    Link PDF Bibtex

  • D. Hoffmeister, S. Zellmann, K. Kindermann, A. Pastoors, U. Lang, O. Bubenzer, G. C. Weniger, G. Bareth (2014),
    "Geoarchaeological site documentation and analysis of 3D data derived by terrestrial laser scanning".
    ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, II-5, pp. 173-179, 2014.
    Link Bibtex


  • S. Zellmann, U. Lang (2013),
    "A Comparison of GPU Box-Plane Intersection Algorithms for Direct Volume Rendering".
    Proceedings of the 14th IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM),
    Innsbruck, Austria, February 12-14, 2013.
    Link PDF Bibtex Slides


  • S. Zellmann, U. Lang (2012),
    "A Software Architecture for Distributed Volume Rendering on HPC Systems".
    Proceedings of the 24th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS),
    Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, November 12-14, 2012.
    Link Bibtex

  • S. Zellmann, M. Aumüller, U. Lang (2012),
    "Image-Based Remote Real-Time Volume Rendering - Decoupling Rendering from View Point Updates".
    Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE),
    Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 12-15, 2012.
    Link Bibtex


  • P. Benölken, M. Wewior, U. Lang,
    "A Virtual Workspace for Distributed Design and Engineering Tasks".
    The 6th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom),
    Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 9-12, 2010


  • Daniel Wickeroth, Paul Benölken, Ulrich Lang,
    "Markerless Gesture Based Interaction for Design Review Scenarios".
    Proceedings of the International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies -ICADIWT,
    London 2009, pp. 709-714

  • Tatiana Kneip-Medina, Paul Benölken, Thomas van Reimersdahl, Ulrich Lang (2009).
    "Exploration von benutzergenerierten 3D Topic Maps auf aktuellen mobilen Endgeräten".
    Institut für Multimediatechnik (Hrsg.), 4. Kongress Multimediatechnik,
    Wismar, 2009, ISBN 978-3-00-028790-9


  • T. van Reimersdahl, P. Melms, and H. von Hesberg (2007).
    "3D Visualization Limitations of Historical Spaces: Requirements, Practices, and Technical Visions"
    Proc. of CAA 2007 Conference (Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology), Berlin, Germany, April 2007


  • C.A. Stewart, R. Keller, R. Repasky, M. Hess, D. Hart, M. Müller, R. Sheppard,
    U. Wössner, M. Aumüller, L. Huian, D.K. Berry, and J. Colbourne (2004).
    "A Global Grid for Analysis of Arthropod Evolution".
    Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing (GRID'04),
    Pittsburgh, November 8, 2004, pp. 328-337

  • J. Kniss, J.P. Schulze, U. Wössner, P. Winkler, U. Lang, C. Hansen
    Medical Applications of Multi-field Volume Rendering and VR Techniques
    Proceedings of the Joint Eurographics-IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization,
    Konstanz, May 19-21, 2004, pp. 249-254


  • J.P. Schulze, M. Kraus, U. Lang, T. Ertl (2003).
    "Integrating Pre-Integration into the Shear-Warp Algorithm".
    Third International Workshop on Volume Graphics,
    Tokyo, July 7-8, 2003, pp. 109-118

  • J.P. Schulze, U. Lang (2003).
    "The Parallelized Perspective Shear-Warp Algorithm for Volume Rendering".
    Parallel Computing 29,
    Elsevier Science, 2003, pp. 339-354

  • A. Gerndt, T. van Reimersdahl, T. Kuhlen, C. Bischof, I. Hörschler, M. Meinke, W. Schröder (2003).
    "Large-Scale CFD Data Handling in a VR-Based Otorhinolaryngological CAS-System using a Linux-Cluster".
    In: Hamid R. Arabnia (Ed.):The Journal of Supercomputing - An International Journal of High-Performance Computer Design, Analysis, and Use, pp. 143-154, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Issue 2, Volume 25, June 2003.

  • T. van Reimersdahl, F. Bley, T. Kuhlen, and C. Bischof (2003).
    Haptic Rendering Techniques for the Interactive Exploration of CFD Datasets in Virtual Environments.
    7th International Immersive Projection Technologies Workshop, and 9th Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments (2003), ACM SIGGRAPH, pp. 241-246, Zürich, Switzerland, May 2003.

  • M. Schirski, A. Gerndt, T. van Reimersdahl, T. Kuhlen, P. Adomeit, O. Lang, S. Pischinger and C.Bischof (2003).
    ViSTA FlowLib - A Framework for Interactive Visualization and Exploration of Unsteady Flows in Virtual Environments.
    7th International Immersive Projection Technologies Workshop, and 9th Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments (2003), ACM SIGGRAPH, pp. 77-85, Zurich, Switzerland, May 2003.


  • J.P. Schulze, U. Lang (2002).
    "The Parallelization of the Perspective Shear-Warp Volume Rendering Algorithm".
    Proceedings of the Fourth Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, September 2002

  • U. Wössner, J.P. Schulze, S.P. Walz, U. Lang (2002).
    "Evaluation of a Collaborative Volume Rendering Application in a Distributed Virtual Environment".
    Third International Workshop on Volume Graphics,
    Proceedings of the Eigth Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments (EGVE), ACM, May 30-31, 2002, pp. 113-122

  • A. Gerndt, T. van Reimersdahl, T. Kuhlen, C. Bischof (2002).
    Large Scale CFD Data Handling with Off-The-Shelf PC-Clusters in a VR-based Rhinological Operation Planning System.
    In: P. Wilders, A. Ecer, J. Periaux, N. Satofuka, P. Fox (Eds.): Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics - Practice and Theory, pp. 135 - 142, Elsevier Science B.V.


  • J.P. Schulze, R. Niemeier, U. Lang (2001).
    "The Perspective Shear-Warp Algorithm in a Virtual Environment".
    Proceedings of IEEE Visualization '01, pp. 201-213, 2001.

  • J.P. Schulze, U. Wössner, S.P. Walz, U. Lang (2001).
    "Volume Rendering in a Virtual Environment".
    Proceedings of 5th IPTW and Eurographics Virtual Environments, Springer Verlag, pp. 187-198, 2001.

  • T. van Reimersdahl, I. Hörschler, A. Gerndt, T. Kuhlen, M. Meinke, G. Schlöndorff, W. Schröder, and C. Bischof (2001).
    Airflow Simulation inside a Model of the Human Nasal Cavity in a Virtual Reality-based Rhinological Operation Planning System.
    Proceedings of Computer-Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2001), 15th International Congress and Exhibition, pp. 85- 90, Berlin, Germany, 2001.


  • U. Lang (2000).
    "Present and Future of Visualization applied to Aerospace Engineering".
    European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2000, Barcelona, 11-14 September 2000.

  • A. Gerndt, T. van Reimersdahl, T. Kuhlen, J. Henrichs, C. Bischof (2000).
    A parallel approach for VR-based visualization of CFD data with PC clusters.
    IMACS 2000 Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland.

  • T. van Reimersdahl, T. Kuhlen, A. Gerndt, J. Henrichs, C. Bischof (2000).
    ViSTA: a multimodal, platform-independent VR-Toolkit based on WTK, VTK, and MPI.
    Fourth International Immersive Projection Technology Workshop (IPT2000), Ames, Iowa.


  • K. Frank, U. Lang (1999).
    "Gradient and Curvature Approximation in Data-Dependent Surface Simplification".
    Computing and Visualization in Science, May 1999, Springer Verlag.

  • U. Wössner, D. Rantzau, D. Rainer, U. Lang (1999).
    "Modelling Water Turbines in the CUBE: Towards an Intuitive Functional Design Based on Scientific Simulation".
    3rd Workshop on Immersive Projection Technology (IPTW '99).
    Stuttgart, Germany, May 10-11, 1999, Springer Verlag.


  • M. Göbel, J. Landauer, U. Lang, M. Wapler (1998).
    "Virtual Environments '98".
    Proceedings of the 4th Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments, June 1998, EUROGRAPHICS Workshop Series.

  • H. Müller, A. Hinkenjann, R. Blach, M. Göbel, U. Lang, S. Müller, C.J. Dassow, R. Kruse (eds.) (1998).
    "CAVE: Ein High-End-Konzept der audiovisuellen räumlichen Mensch-Rechner-Interaktion: Informatik 98".
    Informatik zwischen Bild und Sprache, Springer Verlag, pp. 349-360.

  • R. Niemeier, Th. Fleiter, P. Benölken, U. Lang, R. Sokiranski (1998).
    "An Advanced Collaborative Tool for Virtual Endoscopy".
    Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium and Exhibition CAR 98, Tokyo, 1998, pp. 118-123.

  • P. Benölken, R. Niemeier, U. Lang (1998).
    "Collaborative Volume Rendering in a Distributed Virtual Reality Environment".
    Virtual Environments Conference '98
    In: Eurographics Workshop Proceedings Series, Stuttgart, June 16-22, 1998, pp. 47/1-47/10.

  • R. Beller, U. Lang (1998).
    "Cooperation Techniques in CAE Applications".
    Automotive Mechatronics Design & Engineering
    Proceedings of the 31st ISATA
    Düsseldorf, June 2-5, 1998 , pp. 413-418.

  • U. Lang (1998).
    "Effizienter Einsatz einer verteilten Infrastruktur zur Simulation und Visualisierung".
    S. Kuschfeld, T. Ertl (Eds.): Synthese von Berechnungen, Simulation und Visualisierung,
    Praxisforum Tagung 9/98, Bad Nauheim, Mai, 1998.

  • D. Rantzau, K. Frank, U. Lang, D. Rainer, U. Wössner (1998).
    "COVISE in the CUBE: An Environment for Analyzing Large and Complex Simulation Data".
    Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Immersive Projection Technology (IPT '98)
    Ames, Iowa, May 11-12, 1998.

  • K. Frank, U. Lang (1998).
    "Data-Dependent Surface Simplification".
    In: D. Bartz (Ed.): Proceedings of the Nineth Eurographics Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing
    Blaubeuren, April 20-22, 1998.


  • D. Rantzau, U. Lang (1997).
    "A Scalable Virtual Environment for Large Scale Scientific Data Analysis".
    Proceedings of the Euro VR Mini Conference 97
    Elsevier 1998, Amsterdam, November 10-11, 1997.

  • U. Lang (1997).
    "Einsatz von VR-Methoden zur Visualsierung wissenschaftlicher und technischer Daten".
    In: Künstliche Paradiese - Virtuelle Realitäten, H. Knapp, T. Wägenbaur (Eds.)
    Wilhelm Fink Verlag München, January, 1997.


  • V. Gómez-Molinero, J. Vilanova, M. Grave, U. Lang (1996).
    "Use of Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW) in Structural Analysis and Mechanical Testing of Spacecrafts".
    ESA Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing,
    Noordwijk, The Netherlands, March 29, 1996, Conference Proceedings, July, 1996.

  • U. Lang, G. Grinstein, R.D. Bergeron (1996).
    "Visualization Related Metadata".
    Published in: Database Issues for Data Visualizatio, A. Wierse, G. Grinstein, U. Lang (Eds.)
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 1183, Springer, October, 1996.

  • D. Rantzau, U. Lang, R. Rühle et al. (1996).
    "Collaborative and Interactive Visualization in a Distributed High Performance Software Environment".
    M. Chen, P. Townsend, J.A. Vince (Eds)
    High Performance Computing for Computer Graphics and Visualization, Proceedings of the International Workshop on High Performance Computing for Graphics and Visualization
    Swansea, Wales, Springer, 1996.


  • U. Lang (1995).
    "Visualisierung wissenschaftlicher Daten".
    Forschungs- und Entwicklungsberichte,
    RUS 28, September, 1995.

  • U. Lang, J.P. Peltier, P. Christ, S. Rill, D. Rantzau, H. Nebel, A. Wierse, R. Lang, S. Causse, F. Juaneda, M. Grave, P. Haas (1995).
    "Perspectives of collaborative supercomputing and networking in European Aero-space research and industry".
    Published in: Future Generation Computer Systems 11 (1995)
    Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 419-430.

  • U. Lang (1995).
    "Kooperative Simulation und Visualisierung unter Nutzung von Hochleistungsrechnern- und -netzen".
    In: Statustagung des BMBF HPSC 95 - Stand und Perspektiven des Parallelen Höchstleistungsrechnens und seiner Anwendungen,
    Jülich, September 11-14, 1995,
    Hrsg. Projektträger des BMBF für Informationstechnik bei der DLR e.V.
    October 20, 1995, pp. 285-297.


  • U. Lang, R. Lang, H. Nebel, D. Rantzau, L. Wang, A. Wierse (1994).
    "Cooperative Visualization of Supercomputer Simulations".
    Cray User Group (CUG) Conference, Tours, France, October 10-14, 1994,
    In: 1994 Fall Proceedings, pp. 107-113.

  • A. Wierse, U. Lang, A. Geiger, R. Rühle (1994).
    "A System Architecture for Data-oriented Visualization".
    Database Workshop, Visualization '93, San Jose, California, USA,
    In: Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Database for Data Visualization, Lee, Grinstein (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 871, Springer, October, 1994.

  • A. Werner, U. Lang (1994).
    "Hierarchical Splatting on a Massively Parallel System".
    Proceedings of the Fifth Eurographics Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing '94
    May 30 - June 1, In: M. Göbel, B. Urban, H. Müller (Eds.), Visualization Scientific Computing, Springer, 1994, pp. 24-34.

  • A. Wierse, R. Lang, U. Lang, H. Nebel, D. Rantzau (1994).
    "The Performance of a Distributed Visualization system".
    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Visualization
    VSP-International Science Publishers
    Paderborn, January 18-20, 1994

  • U. Lang (1994).
    "A Software Environment for Cooperative Simulation and Visualization in the Aerospace Field".
    HPCN Europe 1994, Munich, April 18-20, 1994
    In: High-Performance Computing and Networking. W. Gentzsch, U. Harms (Eds.), Vol. 2. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Nr. 797, Springer, 1994, pp. 70-76.


  • A. Wierse, U. Lang, R. Rühle (1993).
    "Architectures of Distributed Visualization Systems and their Enhancements".
    Fourth Eurographics Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing, Abingdon, England, April 21-23, 1993, Springer.

  • R. Rühle, U. Lang, A. Wierse (1993).
    "Cooperative Visualization and Simulation in a Supercomputer Environment".
    Joint International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (M&C+SNA '93), Karlsruhe, April 19-23, 1993. Proceedings Vol. 2, pp. 630-641. Published by Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe, April 1993.

  • R. Grosso, U. Lang, J. Ryan (1993).
    "CFD Experiments in a Distributed Simulation and Visualization System.".
    Proceedings of the European Simulation Symposium 1993, Delft, The Netherlands, October 25-28, 1993.

  • U. Lang, R. Lang, R. Rühle (1993).
    "Scientific Visualization in a Supercomputer Network at RUS".
    In: Supercomputers & Graphics, Special Issue Volume 17, No. 1, pp. 15-22, Pergamon Press, January/February 1993.

  • U. Lang (1993).
    "Graphische Basissoftware auf Höchstleistungsrechnern".
    Supercomputer Tutorium "Basissoftware für Vektor- und Parallelrechner", Mannheim, June 29-30, 1992, In: Basissoftware für Vektor- und Parallelrechner, H.-W. Meuer (Ed.), Fokus, Bd. 7, pp. 126-138, K.G. Saur 1993.


  • U. Lang, H. Müller, E. Vöge (Gast-Hrsg.) (1992).
    Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung, Themenheft: Imaging und Visualisierungstechniken.
    Band 7, Heft 3, Springer, 1992.

  • U. Lang, R. Rühle (1992).
    Visualization in an Engineering Environment using Supercomputers, Fast Networks and Workstations.
    In: Supercomputer and Chemistry. U. Harms (Ed.), Springer, 1992.

  • U. Lang, R. Lang, R. Rühle (1992).
    Visualization in a Software System for Scientific Computing.
    (Second Eurographics Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing, Delft, The Netherlands, April 22-24, 1991). In: Advances in Scientific Visualization. F.H. Post, A.J.S. Hin (Eds.), Springer, 1992.

  • U. Lang, R. Rühle (1992).
    Visualisierung von Supercomputerberechnungen am netzintegrierten Ingenieursarbeitsplatz.
    Supercomputer '91. Tutorium, Universität Mannheim, 24. - 25. Juni 1991. In: Heterogene Netze und Supercomputer. H.-W. Meuer (Hrsg.), Springer, 1992.

  • U. Lang, H. Aichele, H. W. Pöhlmann, R. Rühle (1992).
    Scientific Visualization in a Supercomputer Network.
    Eurographics Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing, Clamart, France, April 23-24, 1990), Springer, 1992.


  • U. Lang (1991).
    Integration of Visualization and Scientific Calculation in a Software System
    In: Proceedings Visualization '91. Gregory M. Nielson, Larry Rosenblum (Eds.), IEEE Computer Society Press 1991.


  • R. Rühle, U. Lang (1990).
    Scientific Applications in a Supercomputer Environment.
    Fifth International Symposium "Science and Engineering on CRAY Research Supercomputers"
    London, England, October 22-24, 1990.

  • U. Lang, R. Rühle (1990).
    Modularisierung von Zeitintegrationsverfahren in einer integrierten Simulationsumgebung.
    ASIM 90. 6. Symposium Simulationstechnik, Wien, 25. - 27. September 1990.
    In: ASIM Simulationstechnik. Band 1 der Reihe: Fortschritte in der Simulationstechnik. F. Breitenecker, I. Trock, P. Kopacek (Hrsg.), S. 344-348. Vieweg 1990.

  • U. Lang, R. Rühle (1990).
    Scientific Application Environments.
    ASIM 90. 6. Symposium Simulationstechnik, Wien, 25. - 27. September 1990.
    SIGGRAPH 90 Workshop on Data Structures and Access Software for Scientific Visualization, August 1990, ACM SIGGRAPH.

  • H. Pöhlmann, W., H. Aichele, U. Lang, R. Rühle (1990).
    Supercomputer Visualization in a fast Network.
    5th Annual CONVEX User Group Conference.
    Richardson, Texas, May 7-11, 1990.

  • H. Pöhlmann, W., H. Aichele, U. Lang, R. Rühle (1990).
    Supercomputer Visualization in a fast Network.
    5th Annual CONVEX User Group Conference.
    Richardson, Texas, May 7-11, 1990.


  • U. Lang (1989).
    Programming in RSYST.
    Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart, RSYST-Bericht 5, October 1989.

  • U. Lang (1989).
    Generation of Application Modules in RSYST.
    Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart, RSYST-Bericht 5 e, October 1989.

  • U. Lang (1989).
    Modularisierungskonzepte bei Simulationsproblemen in integrierten Programmsystemen.
    Universität Stuttgart, Dissertation 1988.
    Forschungs- und Entwicklungsberichte. RUS - 2, Januar 1989, ISSN 0934-0602.


  • U. Lang (1988).
    Erstellen von Anwendungsmoduln in RSYST.
    Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart, RSYST-Bericht 5 d, September 1988.

  • U. Lang (1988).
    Simple CPU-benchmarks in Fortran 77 on different machines.
    Supercomputer. 28, Vol. V-6, November 1988, pp. 26-31.


  • I. Loebich, L. Ehnis, U. Lang, R. Rühle (1987).
    DFN-RSYST - Software zur Unterstützung verteilter Anwendungen in heterogenen Rechnernetzen
    In: Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen. N. Gerner, O. Spaniol (Hrsg.). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer 1987. S. 653-664. Informatik-Fachberichte, Band 130.


  • U. Lang, L. Ehnis, R. Rühle (1986).
    Erfahrungsbericht zur Produkt-Demonstration DFN-RSYST im Rahmen des 3. Nutzertreffens.
    Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme, Universität Stuttgart, IKE, Januar 1986.

  • U. Lang, R. Rühle (1986).
    Spezifikation des Testsystems von DFN-RSYST mit Sitzungsprotokoll.
    Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme, Universität Stuttgart, IKE, Januar 1986.


  • L. Ehnis, U. Lang, I. Loebich, M. Pilz, R. Rühle (1985).
    DFN-RSYST, Verteilung einer Modell- und Methodenbank mit Datenbasis im offenen Netz.
    Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme, Universität Stuttgart, April 1985.

  • A. Lutz, U. Lang, R. Rühle (1985).
    Darstellung der Geometrien und transienten Ergebnisse von TRAC-Rechnungen.
    KE 4-119, Februar 1985.


  • U. Lang, F. Schmidt, R. Bisanz (1984).
    Analysis of the Fuel Heatup and Melting Experiments Niels-Cora with the Code System SSYST-4.
    Fifth International Meeting on Thermal Nuclear Reactor Safety, Nuclear Research Center Karlsruhe, Proceedings Vol. 2, September 1984.

  • R. Bisanz, U. Lang, R. Rühle, W. Scheuermann, F. Schmidt, H. Unger (1984).
    Analysis of Severe Fuel Damage Experiments with SSYST, EXMGL and EXMEL-B.
    IAEA-Specialists Meeting on Water Reactor Fuel Element Performance Computer Modelling. Preston, England, April 1984.


  • U. Lang, F. Schmidt, R. Bisanz, W. Scheuermann, W. Gulden (1983).
    SSYST-EXMEL Rechnungen zur Interpretation des ESSI-1 Experiments.
    Primärbericht KfK 06.01.04028A, Juli 1983.

  • U. Lang, C. Haussman (1983).
    Installierung und Vallidierung von REALP4/MOD6 auf der VAX 11/780 des IKE.
    Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme, Universität Stuttgart, IKE 4-112, Juni 1983.

  • R. Bisanz, U. Lang, W. Scheuermann, H. Unger (1983).
    Investigations on Steady-state and Transient Fuel Rod and Cluster Behavior during severe Fuel Damage Condition.
    Final Report, Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme, Universität Stuttgart, IKE 2-61, Januar 1983.


  • R. Bisanz, E. Fischer, U. Lang, W. Scheuermann, H. Unger (1982).
    Investigations on Steady-state and Transient Fuel Rod and Cluster Behavior during SFD-Boildown Situations with SSYST-EXMEL and MELSIM 2.
    5. Progress Report, Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme, Universität Stuttgart, IKE 2TF-34, August 1982.

  • R. Bisanz, E. Fischer, U. Lang, W. Scheuermann, H. Unger (1982).
    Investigations on Steady-state and Transient Fuel Rod and Cluster Behavior during SFD-Boildown Situations with SSYST-EXMEL and MELSIM 2.
    4. Progress Report, Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme, Universität Stuttgart, IKE 2TF-33, August 1982.

  • K. Kleinbach, U. Lang, R. Rühle (1982).
    Programmierrichtlinien und ihre automatische Überprüfung.
    Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme, Universität Stuttgart, IKE 4-107, Januar 1982.


  • R. Bisanz, R. Lang, U. Lang, R. Rühle, W. Scheuermann, H. Unger (1981).
    User's Manual for the IKE Safety System SASYS.
    Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme, Universität Stuttgart, IKE 4 TI-3, September 1981.

  • R. Bisanz, R. Lang, U. Lang, R. Rühle, W. Scheuermann, H. Unger (1981).
    Investigations on Steady-state and Transient Fuel Rod Behavior during Boildown Situations.
    2. Progress Report, Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme, Universität Stuttgart, IKE 2TF-26, Juli 1981.